discussions still ongoing



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This is the home stretch for COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland (UK). It was to end on the evening of Friday, November 12, but negotiations will continue.

Friday, November 12, France announced that it would no longer invest in fossil fuels abroad by the end of 2022. A last-minute decision. “We are finally going to tackle the end of fossil fuels. We are asking the whole world to get out of this dependence that we have had for more than 200 years on fossil fuels”, testifies Barbara Pompili, Minister for the Ecological Transition.

Investments abroad in polluting energies such as gas or coal, France should therefore put an end to them. It joins a list of around thirty countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. “The subsidies must stop. We are the largest producer of oil and gas in the world and we participate in the subsidies. This is madness.”, reports John Kerry, US special climate envoy. In addition to this promise, a surprise agreement was found between the two biggest polluters on the planet: China and the United States. These two countries have promised that they will make climate efforts.


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