Discover the looks of the stars present at the “Etam Live Show” fashion show!

It’s fashion week in Paris. On the occasion of the fashion week, Tuesday September 27 the traditional “Etam Live Show” was held in the capital! An event transcribed live on the social networks of the lingerie brand, but also on the TMC channel!

And this year, it is in the garden of the Musée des Archives, in the Marais district, thatthat the models paraded for about twenty minutes. For the occasion, the brand had also created NFTs: five couture bodysuits produced in 50 numbered copies. “These unique pieces will be accompanied by their virtual avatar and will give their purchaser privileged access to numerous advantages and VIP experiences”, Etam said in a statement.

The stars present at the event

Alicia Aylies, Iris Mittenaere, Flora Coquerel, while several former Miss France responded to Etam’s invitation, influencers were also there! Cassandra Cano, Lea Elui, Léna Situations and her friend Marcus, the Nicocapone influencer couple… All were there to attend the parade while they themselves were dressed in outfits to die for! We invite you to discover the looks of the stars present at this event via the photo slideshows above! Good viewing.

See also: Iris Mittenaere and her darling Diego El Glaoui make their community laugh!


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