discover the complete route of the four stages

The Boucles de la Mayenne are a highly anticipated meeting place for cycling enthusiasts. They will be spoiled again at the end of May with a course of four online stages:

  • 1st stage, Thursday May 26: Saint-Pierre-des-Landes / Andouille, 180 kilometers
  • 2nd stage, Friday May 27: Jublains / Pré-en-Pail, 171 kilometers
  • 3rd stage, Saturday May 28: Renault Saint-Berthevin / Château-Gontier sur Mayenne, 188 kilometers
  • 4th stage, Sunday May 29: Martigné-sur-Mayenne / Laval, 180 kilometers

Discover below the times of passage in each municipality of the four stages

Les Boucles de la Mayenne, an event to experience over four days on France Blue Mayenne and on the app here by France Bleu and France 3.

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