Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: her suicidal husband Cédric? “I have dark thoughts”

In June 2021, Cédric Jubillar was imprisoned for spousal homicideconsidered by justice as the number 1 suspect in the disappearance the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 of his wife, nurse Delphine Jubillar born Aussaguel and aged 33. Within the penal institution of Toulouse-Seysses (Haute-Garonne), the painter-plasterer continues to be talked about as excavations continue to find a trace of the missing woman. Indeed, in a relationship with Séverine L., met during a search to find his wife, he writes letters to her, checked by the prison administration. In one of his writings that he sent last fall, he notably addresses the dark thoughts he feels behind bars, indicates The Parisian.

I have dark thoughts and the shrink’s pills aren’t having any effect. I tell myself that it will make a lot of people happy and that many people will not necessarily miss me. The positive point is that the gendarmes will be able to close the case. Since I’m their only suspect…“, writes Cédric Jubillar to his partner Séverine in October 2021, reports The Parisian.

The words of a father of two children – Louis and Elyah, aged 7 and 2 respectively and placed with Delphine Jubillar’s sister. He also asks his friend to send him photographs of them in his letter, as well as of her. What is most intriguing in this letter is a series of figures in the margin. “When he exploits this letter on November 22, the adjutant of the Toulouse research section holds the key to decipher this secret code“, precise The Parisian. This is how the gendarme wonders what he needs to confide in his companion about, “without justice having to know“, specifies the daily. This correspondence is therefore to be put into perspective with the statements he would have made to one of his former fellow prisoners, “Marco”, who affirms that Cédric Jubillar told him that he had killed his wife.

In January 2022, Cédric Jubillar told Séverine, in letters that The Dispatch was able to read, his regrets regarding his statements made to his ex-cell neighbor, acknowledging that he had been naive and had “had“by telling about having buried Delphine”in the farm that burned downé”. He blames himself for the consequences that this may have had on his beloved, since she was placed in police custody last December for concealment of a corpse and then released for lack of evidence. Since then, the forties would have taken his distance from him.The next questioning of the man accused of spousal homicide will take place on February 11.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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