Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: Her son denies Cédric’s version, “I’m sure”!

In the case of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, the material evidence is not legion. Traces of blood were spotted in the car of a relative of her husband but their analysis was unsuccessful, her phone was not found, the marital quilt was also appraised, in vain, while ultra high tech drones tried to locate a trace of the body of the nurse who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, without result. However, he has an object that the gendarmes have found: his glasses. Their expertise has just been added to the file and The Parisian was able to know the results which are not in favor of the main suspect, her husband Cédric, with whom she was in divorce proceedings.

At the Jubillar home, the gendarmes had found Delphine Jubillar’s mount broken and separated, with one branch on the kitchen table, and the other branch on the floor, behind the sofa. The glasses were given to the experts of the General Directorate of Armaments (DGA) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces and returned to the investigating judges on April 7. The analysis is formal: it was an external force that broke them, and not wear and tear, as Cédric Jubillar claimed. The testimony, crucial, of their eldest son Louis, also corresponds to the expertise since he declared that his mother wore them the last evening he saw her.

During his various hearings, the couple’s son, aged 6 at the time, assured that his mother had his glasses on the evening of his disappearance to watch television and their favorite show. France has an unbelievable talent on M6. “To see well“, he even specified, reports The Parisian.You ask me if the glasses were broken, the glasses not, I’m sure“, added the child, drawing in support. That day in December, the closest friend of the victim, Anne, had also been able to see the thirties. She confirmed that she was still wearing her glasses. In the documentary dedicated to the case and broadcast on RMC Story, she had declared having had lunch together. This expertise confirms the theory of the accusation since it shows that there was indeed an act of violence during this final evening. elsewhere indicated that they had heard screams.

For Delphine Jubillar’s family lawyer, Mourad Battikh who spoke to the Parisian : “We are now sure, thanks to this expertise, that a violent argument broke out in the family home on the evening of Delphine’s disappearance. Cédric Jubillar will have to explain himself. The headlong rush comes to an end for him. It’s time for him to say where he hid the body so the family can mourn properly.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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