Digital Damage​, Emma Beko | The duty

Torn between electronic pop and parallel rap on her first self-published album, Blue, in January 2021, composer and rapper Emma Beko unveils the first of a series of two more concise and musically defined mini-albums – this time around the sounds of the electric guitar. Her six new songs are more intense, but the stripped-down orchestrations often relying only on a guitar motif and a trap rhythm allow the rapper to address us without shouting, in a confessional and feverish tone. Digital Damage is, she said, a project conceived as an ode to the “outcasts”, to those who, like her, do not fit into the mould: “ Tell us what it is that you’ve been yearning / missing deep inside of you like someone told you you weren’t good / Enough is enough show me where you’re hurting / Put a plaster, kiss it better, tell your mother, run for cover “, she unpacks on “Plaster:)”, one of the sweetest of this intense project in which the composers CFCF, Da-P, Beau Geste and Day Hills have collaborated.

Digital Damage

★★★ 1/2

hip hop

Emma Beko, independent

To see in video

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