Didier Nourault will leave the presidency of Orléans Loiret Basket “in the first quarter of 2022”

He announced his departure last May for the end of the 2020/2021 season. Finally, Didier Nourault is still president of the OLB while Orleans is playing his last game of the year at home in the league this Thursday evening: he has indeed agreed to extend for a few months, the time to settle his succession. It is Olivier Rouet, the current general manager of Orléans Gestion and Orléans – Val de Loire Events, who is holding the rope to be the next president of the OLB, as our colleagues from the Republic revealed. of the Center. But it seems to take a long time.

A departure by the first quarter of 2022 a priori

Didier Nourault, guest of France Bleu Orléans this Thursday morning, explains that he should stop by next March: “The date is not yet really fixed. We can think that by the first quarter of the year 2022, it will be resolved. But now, I accepted to extend with great pleasure because it is a club who is healthy, with people, good people, with very good relations with the public, the supporters, the subscribers, etc. It is really very, very pleasant and it is just on a professional and personal level that I decide to stop. But that’s not the context of the club, far from it! “

As president of Orléans Loiret Basket * in May 2017, after having been coach of the Montpellier rugby team (a team he raised to the Top 16, the elite of French rugby in 2003) but also of the RCO, the Orleans rugby club (amateur level), Didier Nourault is indeed also president of the rugby coaches union and member of the executive committee of the National Rugby League.

When he was appointed, the OLB had just been relegated to Pro B. Since then, the Orleans club has risen to the elite (in 2019) and has just had a series of successful seasons (with a playoff qualification in June 2021 and a semi-final of the Coupe de France). Didier Nourault indicates: “I think the club is on the right track to go to Come’t [l’OLB sera club résident de la future grande salle sportive d’Orléans, qui ouvrira début 2023]. But now there is development to be done, there is plenty to see. But the club is on the right track and as long as it lasts! “

* as a reminder: the City of Orleans is the club’s number one funder

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