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LONG Sea Shepherd has just unveiled images of a gigantic school of dead fish off La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime). A giant factory ship is believed to be the cause of this discharge off the Bay of Biscay. The European Union has taken up the case.
Tens of thousands of dead fish floating on the surface of the water. This morbid 3,000 square meter slick was discovered in the Bay of Biscay by the association for the defense of the oceans Sea Shepherd. It is a school of asphyxiated blue whiting, taken out of the giant net of a gigantic Lithuanian trawler. Did the ship deliberately reject fish deemed unprofitable? This is the question posed by the association whose members follow and monitor these factory trawlers.
The NGO denounces a waste “useless” and “shocking” marine resources. For his part, the captain of the ship denies and claims that his net broke accidentally because of too high a volume of fish. These trawlers are monitored 24 hours a day by the fisheries monitoring centre. The latter confirms that the Lithuanian vessel has indeed declared an incident and would therefore not be in violation. However, this trawler is not at its first controversy. Already in 2019, he had been accused of discarding fish. It has been banned from fishing in Australian waters.