Diana Blois (Large families) “overexcited” and “boosted”: she shares very good news

For several months now, Diana Blois and her husband Gérôme are actively looking for a new home for themselves and their tribe of nine children. Unfortunately, they chained disappointments, even failing to be scammed. The candidates of Large families, life in XXL thought they had later found their dream home, but their file was then refused without explanation. “I had provided all the papers for the file. We had offered to pay a year’s rent in advance, to reassure the lady even more.… So we continue the house search. We believe in it, even if, inevitably, it puts a big blow on morale“, regretted the father Gérôme.

But luck finally turned! Indeed, this Thursday, June 23, 2022, Diana Blois and her husband announced great news on Instagram: they found a house ! It is in the caption of a photo of them two, radiant, that they explained themselves. “We fell in love with a house. After a visit and a counter-visit with the family, we made an offer to purchase. And yesiiiiii first step completed, the purchase offer has been accepted by the owners! Suffice to say that this news on June 22, the day of our love wedding anniversary, was a very nice gift. That’s done“, we read.

However, everything is not yet settled because the Blois still have to pass a crucial stage, that of “sign the promise to purchase already wait for the validation of the bank for the loan“.”We are torn between stress! excitement ! boost! And this desire to believe it“, summarized Diana who hopes that everything will go in her direction.

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