Detox. No, the city of Berlin is not going to ban cars


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A car-free Paris? The idea seduces David Belliard, ecologist deputy to the town hall of Paris and support of Yannick Jadot. On Sunday January 16, he claimed on Twitter that Berlin would “create a car-free zone bigger than Manhattan”.

A car-free Paris? The idea seduces David Belliard, ecologist deputy to the town hall of Paris and support of Yannick Jadot. Sunday January 16, he claimed on Twitter that Berlin was going create a car-free zone larger than Manhattan “.

This assertion is for the moment hypothetical, even improbable. In September 2021, the initiative ” Car-free Berlin referendum managed to collect more than 27,000 signatures for its plan to ban cars in the city, an area of ​​88 square kilometers. Activists want to reduce traffic to essentials, the movement of people with disabilities, and vehicles of public interest. Citizens would each be entitled to 12 days of private transport.

The Berlin Senate has until February to review and submit the proposal to elected officials. But we already know that the social-democratic mayor of Berlin, elected in December, finds this idea “ unrealistic “. The city therefore has no decision to ban cars, as the tweet suggests.

If the proposal is rejected by the elected officials, which is the most probable, the initiative will have to collect 175,000 signatures in order to be able to organize a referendum. “We believe that the collection of signatures will begin in the summer of 2022 and will be completed before the onset of winter,” a spokesperson for the initiative told the Berlin press on January 14.

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