Despite the eviction of Russian teams, Basket Landes will not go to the Euroleague

The International Basketball Federation announced on Wednesday March 2 that Russian teams would not be allowed to participate in its competitions “until further notice”. A sanction taken after the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. Basket Landes, who was not selected for the competition, was hoping to see a place free, the international federation ruled against him.

The tables for the quarter-finals of the Women’s Euroleague have therefore been reorganized, after the exclusions of Ekaterinburg and Dynamo Kursk. Basket Landes, 6th, hoped to qualify on the green carpet. But they will not go to the Euroleague. These are ultimately the 5th of the two pools that have been chosen : Riga and Girona.

Basket Landes will still play the EuroCup, the small European cup.

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