Agnès Panier-Runacher assures that she will go “to the end as long as the President of the Republic [lui] will provide the means.”
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No, rumors of reshuffle do not paralyze government action, assures Agnès Panier-Runacher Monday January 8 on franceinfo. “Today we are at work”, says the Minister of Energy Transition. For her, “we need to move away from this somewhat caricatured vision of ministers packing their boxes.”
Sunday evening, Emmanuel Macron received Élisabeth Borne. Officially, the president and the Prime Minister discussed “a certain number of important issues such as bad weather in Pas-de-Calais and the arrival of the cold snap”as indicated by the entourage of the Head of State to franceinfo.
“The continuity of the State is ministers who are at work until the last minute. The President of the Republic makes his decisions in good time. He is the master of the clocks, nothing new under the sun”, comments Agnès Panier-Runacher. In other words, “during the work, the sale continues”. This in-between, “I live it well”, she assures. To be a minister, “It can stop overnight and it doesn’t matter”. However, there is no doubt about his desire to stay in government. “I will go to the end as long as the President of the Republic gives me the means”, she says. Deep down, she is convinced that the French “don’t care about reshuffling.”
The macronie is in turmoil. On BFMTV, Sunday, the president of MoDem, François Bayrou, thus estimated “just a change [dans l’architecture gouvernementale] is necessary.” “It’s like in a football team: it’s not up to the left winger to say what the score sheet for the next match should be, nor to say who the captain is.”retorts Agnès Panier-Runacher.