deserts of veterinarians in France


Article written by

A.Guillé-Épée, J. Delage, L. Rouvray – France 2

France Televisions

After the medical deserts that we talk about regularly, the veterinary deserts are also a reality. There are fewer and fewer professionals in rural areas. Which is a big problem to look after and take care of cattle herds for example.

In Gençay, a town in the Vienne department, Thibaud Masure, a rural veterinarian, takes many blood tests a day. One of the many tasks of his profession is to take blood samples from animals to detect potential diseases. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer veterinarians in rural areas, 24-hour emergency guards push many people away.

“A much later vocation”

Recruiting in the countryside therefore becomes difficult. “There are fewer and fewer veterinarians who come from rural areas, perhaps the vocation is later. We must be able to offer these people a comfortable activity and a lasting activity”, testify Thibaud Masure, rural veterinarian. There is another problem that should not be taken lightly, livestock are more and more often abandoned in favor of grain farms, a much more profitable job. Veterinarians are therefore forced to travel many kilometers for tours that are not necessarily financially interesting.


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