Depression associated with other psychiatric disorders

What is its frequency and how to recognize it?

The depression is a mood disorder. The main symptoms are sad mood and loss of interest or pleasure in almost any activity. Sometimes depression is accompanied by one or more other psychiatric disorders, such as substance abuse (1 to 3 in 10 people with depression), anxiety disorders (1 in 2 people with depression) or personality disorders (1 in 2 depressed people).

Depression and substance abuse

Substance abuse, oftenalcohol, may appear before true depression develops or during an episode of depression. In women, substance abuse most often precedes depression, while in men substance abuse occurs when depression is already present. Substance abuse increases the risk of suicide.

Depression and anxiety disorders

The anxiety disorders Panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder are generally grouped together. There are also specific phobias, such as agoraphobia and delirium of persecution.

Depression and personality disorders

People with a personality disorder think differently from others and react in different ways to sensations. Borderline personality disorders are characterized in particular by violent mood swings, with impulsiveness that is difficult to control, poor self-esteem with separation anxiety, suicidal tendencies …

Double depression

In about 10-20% of cases of depression, it is preceded by a long period of sadness (chronic depression or dysthymia). Double depression has a poor prognosis in terms of full recovery.

Winter depression or seasonal affective disorder

Winter depression is a (recurring) depressive disorder that occurs mainly in the fall and winter. Affective disorders are disorders of the emotions and emotional life, for example in the marital relationship, with children, friends … In addition, there are often atypical symptoms, such as an increased need for sleep, fatigue during the day, increased appetite and weight gain.

What can you do ?

Psychiatric disorders do not heal on their own. Professional support is necessary, in addition to the support of those around you. Don’t wait for it to go away on its own, but ask for help. If you suffer from sadness and you recognize yourself in the symptoms described, discuss it with those close to you and / or consult a professional. Your GP will guide you in finding the right professional and the right treatment.

What can the doctor do?

Treatment depends on the psychiatric condition that is present at the same time. Depression and these conditions influence each other. This often complicates the treatment and has consequences for the functional possibilities in everyday life. We therefore need a treatment that acts on both the depression and the psychiatric disorder.

Depression and substance abuse

In case of substance abuse, targeted withdrawal therapy will be necessary in addition to conventional antidepressants. Suddenly stopping alcohol can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as palpitations. These symptoms can be dangerous. This is the reason why we sometimes choose admission to a specialized service.

Depression and anxiety disorders

Antidepressants are effective for both depression and most anxiety disorders (except specific phobias). Sometimes neuroleptics (or antipsychotics) are also used for generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (characterized by the repeated appearance of intrusive thoughts and compulsive behavior). In addition to medication, it is usually helpful to start psychotherapy. For this, the doctor will refer you to a psychologist.

Depression and personality disorders

Here, too, antidepressants are often used. The psychotherapy undertaken in this case can last for several years.

Double depression

Treatment is comparable to that of classic depression, but special attention is paid to other symptoms and good follow-up.

Winter depression or seasonal affective disorder

The doctor may prescribe phototherapy. The person is exposed to bright light of a specific wavelength, more precisely green / blue / yellow.

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Treatment of depression in association with other psychiatric disorders’ (2000), updated on 25.08.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 24.03.2020 – ebpracticenet