Denitsa Ikonomova ready to start a family? “We’ll see with the dad…”

Saturday July 9, 2022, Nikos Aliagas presented a new number of 50’Inside on TF1. Like every week, the host gave an update on people news from around the world, but more particularly on that in France. A report was notably devoted to Denitsa Ikonomova, the star dancer of Dance with the stars. For ten years now, the pretty Bulgarian has made a name for herself in the hearts of the French, winning the show’s trophy no less than four times, in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018. For the last season, in 2021, she therefore quite naturally deserved her place as a juror.

Her career well established, Denitsa Ikonomova can also realize her more personal dreams, such as that of living in the South of France. In the month of January, she bought her first house with a swimming pool, of which she made a small visit in front of the cameras of TF1. A house of happiness where she can receive her loved ones, like Anais Demaison, the wife of François-Xavier Demaison, who is her best friend and who is currently pregnant with a little girl. A pregnancy that could well give desires to the 35-year-old dancer.

If one day that happens, I will be very, very, very happy“, she confessed. And to add: “If it doesn’t happen, I’ll keep on partying“. But for Anaïs Demaison, it is certain that Denitsa Ikonomova will start a family. The latter, however, cut it off to remind that her companion will first have to agree. “We’ll see with the dad because we have to talk to him about it at least. There, we talk about my desires, but you have to hear his desires too“, she pointed out. And for her girlfriend to ironize: “He will discover his desires now… ‘Wow, I was not warned!’“, she joked.

It is therefore to wonder if Denitsa Ikonomova would not have found the shoe for her. After a very secret relationship of several years with Rayane Bensetti, the pretty brunette is not much out of her reserve. For the past few months, she has nevertheless appeared to be very close to her colleague from Dance with the stars, Francois Alu. The two professional dancers indeed spend a lot of time together, far from the TV sets. The star dancer even revealed to be in a relationship”with a dancer“…Neither has confirmed at this time…

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