Declared dead after a heart attack, a garbage collector from Neuilly-sur-Marne miraculously comes back to life

On March 29, a garbage collector from Neuilly-sur-Marne, in Seine-Saint-Denis, suffered a heart attack at his workplace. When he had just taken his service, the 66-year-old man ” didn’t have time to start that he felt unwell “In particular explained the spokesperson for Sepur to Europe 1 before adding:” Colleagues from the Neuilly-sur-Marne agency performed cardiac massage before help arrived “. Once there, the Samu teams practiced ” prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation of more than fifty minutes taking into account age and the presence of good prognostic factors “, reported the head of the Samu of the department, Frédéric Adnet to AFP.

Declared dead thirty minutes earlier, it is a real miracle that will then take place. ” It was when the body was lifted that the rescue team realized that he was still alive. “, indicates the Sepur. ” We dispatched a team and we found that there was a heart that was beating efficiently and so we transported him to intensive care at Montfermeil hospital. “, specifies Frédéric Adnet.

A miraculous phenomenon

In shock, the head of the Samu considers that it is a ” something quite exceptional “. ” I hadn’t had a case yet in my career “, he adds. According to information from our colleagues, the rescuers had the chance to witness the “phenomenon of Lazarus” which refers to an episode from the Bible. According to the sacred texts, Lazarus of Bethany, who had been dead for four days, was resurrected by Jesus Christ.

The explanatory hypotheses are not yet convincing but, nevertheless, it is believed that when intensive resuscitation is performed and the heart does not restart and the patient is disconnected, the intrathoracic pressure regime is suddenly modified. Interrupting resuscitation may therefore allow the heart to regain effective activity “, explains Frédéric Adnet. A real miracle.


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