death of the architect of the euro


Video length: 1 min

Jacques Delors: death of the architect of the euro

Jacques Delors: death of the architect of the euro – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Soltani, T. Maazouzi, T. Le Bras, E. Sizarols, L. Michel

France Televisions

The politician Jacques Delors died on Wednesday December 27 at the age of 98. He leaves in particular the euro as a legacy.

He is notably at the origin of the creation of the single currency in Europe, the euro. Jacques Delors, a convinced French and European politician, died at the age of 98 on Wednesday December 27. Behind him he leaves the euro as a legacy, which has been part of our wallets for more than two decades. “The euro is Europe, it is the grouping of nations, the more united we are, the stronger we are normally.“, confides a local resident.

“A common sharing of sovereignty”

The idea of ​​the single currency emerged in 1992 with the Treaty of Maastricht. Jacques Delors was then President of the European Commission and for him, the Euro was “a major abandonment of sovereignty or it is a common sharing of sovereignty to speak in a more positive way“. Brussels (Belgium) lowered its flags to half-mast to pay tribute to the architect of the Euro.

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