Death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut: His cancer out of the question? New revelations

He’s a fading TV legend. Jean-Pierre Pernaut died at the age of 71 on Wednesday March 2. He had been suffering from lung cancer for several months, which he had publicly mentioned on social networks. His relatives, his fans and his colleagues were flabbergasted when they learned of his disappearance even though some time earlier, the disease seemed to have lost ground. But last January, Nathalie Marquay revealed in Do not touch My TV that other problems affected the health of her husband, victim of four “mini-strokes”.

Meanwhile, Jean-Pierre Pernaut encountered other complications. As Purepeople told you, the journalist had been hospitalized for three weeks at the George Pompidou Hospital in Paris and had undergone a successful heart operation before complications appeared 48 hours later and plunged him into a deep coma. A degradation on which Isabelle Morini-Bosc returned in TPMP.

Close to Nathalie Marquay and Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Isabelle Morini-Bosc was very regularly in contact with them, like in recent days. Asked by Cyril Hanouna, the columnist confirmed that cancer was not the reason for Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s death: “He had mini-strokes. He had to have open-heart surgery, he had recovered perfectly well and all of a sudden, the body let go. It wasn’t his lung cancer that took him away“.

As she says, no one really knows why Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s body reacted in this way, two days after a heart operation which had nevertheless gone very well: “It’s incomprehensible. It’s an aggression of everything on this body which is winning its fight.” Isabelle Morini-Bosc also indicated that Jean-Pierre Pernaut had encountered “kidney problems”: “Kidneys failedshe confided. [Les médecins] ended up putting him to sleep so he wouldn’t suffer. I still hoped against all odds and Nathalie was in the fight too. […] He himself did not understand the evolution of his body. He said ‘I don’t understand, I won a first fight, I’m winning a second one, why is that?'” The sad question that everyone is asking today…

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