Death of Elizabeth II: more than 750,000 people expected in Westminster to gather


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In the United Kingdom, the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II arrived in London on the evening of Tuesday, September 13. A new series of tributes opens for five days, and more than 750,000 people are expected at the Palace of Westminster, where the remains of the sovereign will be transported on Wednesday September 14.

In London (UK)thousands of people were present at Buckingham Palace on the evening of Tuesday, September 13, for the arrival of the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II in her official home. As the funeral procession passed, emotion invaded the crowd. “I am very sad, but also relieved. She’s gone back home”testifies a person who came to witness the arrival of the remains.

After being watched over all night by members of the royal family, the remains of the sovereign will leave Buckingham Palace again at the beginning of the afternoon, Wednesday, September 14, to join the London Palace of Westminster. A procession greeted on the way by the bell of Big Ben, and followed by several hundreds of thousands of anonymous people. For five days, nearly 750,000 people are expected in Westminster to try to meditate one last time before the remains of Elizabeth II.

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