David Mora and his companion Davina Vigné welcomed their first child, a little girl whose first name has not been revealed, on January 16, 2021. If the comedian’s companion shares quite regularly her daily life as a mother on social networks, the actor of Scenes of households (M6) is more discreet. But, in an interview with Current wife for the promotion of the Scenes of households entitled The good life, (broadcast on December 6, 2021 on M6), the 39-year-old dad spoke about his daily life with baby.
In the short program, her daughter goes to school and is able to do a lot of things on her own, in life her child is not yet a year old and is completely dependent on her parents. An age when everything is synonymous with the first time for the child, which makes the wonder of mom and dad. And it is not David Mora who will say the opposite: “I am constantly blown away to see the development of my child. Every day there is something new, that’s what is fabulous. These are small details, reactions, character traits that emerge … It’s exhausting, but fabulous!“, he explains.
If his playing partner Anne-Elisabeth Blateau did not hide having been crossed by certain anxieties at the birth of his son Hadrien (5 years old) David Mora, he is cooler. He explains to our colleagues: “I don’t think I’m a daddy hen, but it’s hard to judge yourself. I could not put the cursor. Each age has its share of precautions to take. My daughter is starting to stand up, she will soon start to walk. So we’re going to have to run after him and put foam on all the furniture! It is not anxiety, but prevention. I think we shouldn’t make knots in the stomach, all children fall and that’s also how we learn. We can’t protect them from everything, even if we try.“
Happy to have a child, David Mora does not wish to have a second at the moment. He thinks “not to be there“Maybe he will change his mind soon.