Data from the CAA-Quebec Foundation | At 70 km/h in a school zone

In Quebec City as in Montreal, motorists driving inside school zones are going too fast, shows data collected by the CAA-Quebec Foundation. Around schools, up to 96% of motorists exceeded the prescribed speed limit, with some exceeding 70 km/h in a 30 km/h zone.

Posted at 12:11 p.m.

Marie-Eve Morasse

Marie-Eve Morasse
The Press

This is what emerges from an “observation activity” conducted by the CAA-Quebec Foundation last week.

In Quebec, the speed readings were taken around lunchtime, near Saint-Claude school. In a 30 km/h zone, motorists were driving at an average of 45 km/h.

Among the 25 measures that were taken, two motorists were caught driving at more than 70 km/h.

“This is a very sad fact, since 92% of motorists were driving too fast, despite the signs being clearly present,” writes the Foundation in a press release.

Montreal drivers are hardly more disciplined. Near Sainte-Arsène school one morning, the average speed was 40 km/h in a 30 km/h zone. This gap is “a little smaller compared to the Quebec school, but all the same, we notice that almost all of the drivers, or 96%, were still driving much too fast,” notes the CAA-Quebec.

The behavior of motorists approaching school zones is not much better. In Quebec, 96% of them were driving above the 50 km/h limit (for an average of 56.7 km/h), while in Montreal, six motorists out of ten exceeded 40 km/h. h, with an average of 42.4 km/h.

The CAA-Quebec Foundation believes that “there is still a lot of work to be done to make school zones safe”.

“We are concerned about speeding in school zones. It’s a very bad idea to put children in danger to try to save a handful of seconds at best,” said Marco Harrison, Director of the CAA-Quebec Foundation.

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