Daniel Riolo openly mocks PSG stars’ looks at Paris Fashion Week

Daniel Riolo

never misses the opportunity to mess with football players. Especially when the latter are more talked about outside than on the field. Precisely, this Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Géraldine Maillet’s companion once again had the opportunity to mess with some of them during Fashion Week.

This Tuesday evening, Pharrell Williams invited a crowd to the Jardin d’Acclimatation, in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne, which hosts the Louis Vuitton Foundation. A place that the artist did not choose at random to present his third fashion show and Louis Vuitton’s fall-winter 2024-2025 collection, precisely. On this occasion, it was no great surprise that many personalities were present for the show. And in particular some PSG players.

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Hugo Ekitike and Layvin Kurzawa, strongly mocked by Daniel Riolo

Indeed, Hugo Ekitike And Layvin Kurzawa were seen during the show, with offbeat looks but which blended perfectly with the theme of the evening. However, the outfit chosen by the two players sparked numerous reactions from the side of Daniel Riolo. The sports journalist who officiates almost every evening on RMCnever loses the opportunity to tackle athletes who are more talked about for their “prowess” off the field than on the field.

In fact, upon discovering the style displayed by the PSG players who had been forgotten for several months, Géraldine Maillet’s companion could not help but react. He published a screenshot of the two footballers on his X account, formerly Twitter, with emojis crying with laughter. Symbol of his laughter in the face of the cliché.


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