Daniel Lévi just dad before his death: a heartbreaking photo of him and his baby revealed

In his words, the wife of the interpreter of Moses in The ten Commandments looks back on the progressive construction of their love story: “These eight years by your side made me grow and showed me that nothing is stronger than LOVE. I thank Hashem for putting me on your path because you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life. Today, you joined the Gan Eden but you did not leave me alone because you are too benevolent. Thanks to you, I became the happiest of mothers, you gave me the most beautiful gift… ‘a princess’, as you said.

Daniel Lévi had a first son, Abel, from a first union, who married just before the death of his father. Then were born Rephael, Rivka whose mother is his ex-wife Laure. Then married to Sandrine Aboukrat, he became a father for the fourth time with the birth of their daughter on July 15. The one who had brilliantly participated in the show in 2020 Mask Singer now rests in the Saint-Pierre cemetery in Marseille and was buried in accordance with Jewish tradition.

In the columns of CloserDaniel Lévi spoke about the birth of their story: “She worked in events and invited me to host the Sea Gala, on December 15, 2014 exactly. I didn’t know that she had been a fan of Daniel Lévi for a long time, even before I was known. She put forward the idea of ​​producing my next album. So I came more often to Marseille. We worked together two years before we revealed our feelings.” Years of love that nothing can touch, not even death.

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