Daniel Auteuil returns to the cinema with his sixth film, a legal thriller inspired by a true story


Video length: 2 min

“Le Fil”: Daniel Auteuil returns to the cinema with his sixth film, a legal thriller inspired by a true story
He is best known for his acting talents, less so for his role as director. Daniel Auteuil has just released his sixth feature film, “Le Fil”, a thriller full of tension and suspense about the quest for truth.
(France 2)

He is best known for his acting talents, less so for his role as director. Daniel Auteuil has just released his sixth feature film, “Le Fil”, a thriller full of tension and suspense about the quest for truth.

On the movie poster The Threadwhich he directed himself, Daniel Auteuil is back on French screens. Mischievous, in fifty years of career, the actor has managed to create a real bond with his audience. The comedian presents his sixth film as a filmmaker. A legal thriller inspired by a true story, which oscillates between tension and suspense. Daniel Auteuil plays a lawyer, who wants at all costs to exonerate a father accused of the murder of his wife.

“There is an empathy that is created”between the council and its client, explains Daniel Auteuil. “The lawyer that I am, beyond defending, has got it into my head to save someone”he adds. A common and at the same time plural quest of “truth” which greatly fascinated the actor, who explains that in this scenario, “everyone has their own truth”. It is also the first time that he has written a story with a totally unexpected outcome. “It’s a rather disconcerting story”judges a spectator.

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