Dani Alves, accused of rape, remains in pre-trial detention in Spain

A Barcelona court rejected the Brazilian’s appeal on Tuesday, citing “a high risk of absconding”.

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Accused of rape and imprisoned since January 20, Brazilian footballer Dani Alves will remain in pre-trial detention in Spain. His appeal was rejected on Tuesday, February 21, by a Barcelona court. “The court confirms the provisional detention and rejects the appeal presented by the defense“, according to a statement issued by the judicial authorities of Catalonia.

The court points out “the high risk of leakage” by Dani Alves “linked to the high sentence that may be imposed on him in this case” and its financial resources “which could allow him to leave Spain at any time“to go to Brazil, from where he could not be extradited.

The 39-year-old is accused by a young woman of having raped her at the end of December in the toilets of a Barcelona nightclub. He is imprisoned in the penitentiary complex of Brians, about forty kilometers from the Catalan capital. A few hours after the announcement of his indictment, the Mexican club Pumas announced that it was terminating the contract of the ex-Barça and PSG player, initially scheduled to last until June 2023. The Brazilian faces a sentence of 12 years in prison.

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