Dancing with the stars 2022: A well-known sportsman in the casting, big announcement!

If certain names have indeed been announced by the production of DALS, others are still at the rumor stage. Our colleagues from Parisian had thus evoked the possible participations of the actor ofHere it all starts Thomas Da Costa, former Miss France Amandine Petit (2021), Israeli-Togolese model and singer Stéphane Legar, singers Carla Lazzari, Eva Garnier and Anggun. Also according to their information, the influencer Just Riadh, the American actor Frankie Muniz (alias Malcolm in the eponymous series) or the comedian Az would be in discussion with the production.

As for the dancers, things are waltzing this year. If Denitsa Ikonomova, Maxime Dereymez, Christian Millette, Joël Luzo and Coralie Licata do not return, viewers will be able to find Katrina Patchett, Adrien Caby and Inès Vandamme. Finally, the jury is also getting a makeover. It will be composed of François Alu, Chris Marques, Bilal Hassani and Marie-Agnès Gillot.

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