Damien (Married at first sight) naked and “very hot”: Hot night with Pauline and little miss

Despite some misadventures, Damian (37 years old, automotive sales consultant) and Paulina (33 years old, liberal nurse), compatible at 77%, were on a little cloud. They liked each other at first sight and seeing them, their loved ones had the impression that they had known each other for a long time. Their divine idyll continued during the episode of Married at first sight 2022 of May 23. And the atmosphere has seriously warmed up.

Damien and Pauline’s wedding night went very well. Both fell asleep in each other’s arms, nothing more. “You are as beautiful as yesterday“, launched Damien to him when she pointed out to him that she was no longer wearing makeup. They then learned that their honeymoon would take place at Lake Geneva, between France and Switzerland. Both were convinced that they were going to spend a “great stay“.

But that was without counting on their now legendary bad luck. Their plane for Paris was very late. They were therefore afraid of not having their stopover in Geneva. “It’s a bit of a panic“, specified the beautiful brunette. Despite their sprint, the plane had already left. They still kept smiling and waited for the next one. “It made our bond even stronger. It may be like what will happen to us in life“, rejoiced Damien.

Hot atmosphere during the honeymoon

Once there, Pauline and Damien rested. “We have the desire but we were so knocked out that we slept. For the moment there is nothing, maybe tonight“, had fun the young woman. Head to a SPA then, a new place conducive to rapprochement. “We are a little more intimate”, she continued. She did not believe so well to say since after a massage session during which they were naked, she had a small glimpse of what awaited her. “To see him naked… He has a beautiful body. He attracts me“, she acknowledged. Le evening came, so she planned a little outfit accordingly for a torrid night. “I’m very hot, it’s the moment we’ve been waiting for“, specified the beautiful brown.

The next day they confirmed that they had consummated the marriage and that all went well. They were always so close during a trip to the pool, enough to excite the candidate once again. Already in love, Damien wanted to tell her but feared her reaction. It is therefore without an “I love you” that they separated after their honeymoon but still so happy.

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