Damien and Pauline (Married at first sight): Big surprise, the canceled wedding?

Big first in Married at first sighton April 4, 2022. Viewers discovered that a dad had signed up his son for the show: Damian (37 years old, automotive sales consultant). He didn’t know it but he too had passed the casting and good news, he had a 77% compatibility with Paulina (33 years old, liberal nurse). After learning about it, the candidate had written him a “special letter” to be opened in the presence of his father.

This Monday, April 18, viewers finally discovered the content of this letter since Pauline had quickly gone to her parents to find out what her potential future husband had in store for her. Damien explained that he was sincere in his approach and that he hoped that their two families would become one. Then he asked the dad if he was willing to ask for his daughter’s hand, in which case he had to give her the engagement ring he had chosen. An initiative that greatly moved Pauline and her parents who were ready to immediately accept her into their tribe.

Next, head to Paris to try on outfits for the big day. Damien was accompanied by his dad and a friend, and Pauline by his mom and her best friend. A very moving moment on both sides for the bride and groom and their loved ones. Then came the time to fly to Gibraltar for the wedding. If Pauline was rather serene and ready to live this day that she had waited all her life, Damien feared that the woman who was introduced to him would say “no”.

Before the two candidates made their entrance, relatives had to settle down. We were able to discover those of Damien take place. But while we saw those of Pauline on the way, big twist. The voiceover clarified that a “unforeseen event will come to upset everything”. In the teaser for the next episode, it looks like the young woman’s mother is having a panic attack before arriving at the scene of the union. Will the wedding be annulled afterwards? Suspense.

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