Around Bérangère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Wednesday April 17, 2024.
Reading time: 56 min

The themes :
- D-100 before the Olympics, what to expect? Are we heading towards successful games? We talk about it with Philippe Randé from the sports department of radio France.
- Public spending, the government’s project, credible?
Inflation, growth, deficit, the government forecasts presented this morning worry the Court of Auditors and the High Council of Public Finances which denounces a lack of consistency. We talk about it with Emmanuelle Aurioleconomist and professor at the Toulouse School of Economics - Mélenchon conference on Palestine: the University of Lille bans the event. the rebellious MP David Guiraud denounces “a campaign led by provocative and violent groups”. Why this ban?
The informed:
François ReynaertJournalist & writer, columnist at Obs and author of “the great history of Russia” published by Flammarion
Elsa FreyssenetSenior reporter at Les Echos
Stéphane Vernay. Director of the Parisian editorial staff of Ouest France
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Watch the show in full here: