Czech international Jakub Jankto reveals his homosexuality

(Prague) L’international tchèque de football, Jakub Jankto, a révélé son homosexualité dans une vidéo postée sur son compte Twitter, lundi, affirmant ne pas vouloir s’en « cacher plus longtemps ».

« Je suis homosexuel et je ne veux pas m’en cacher plus longtemps », a déclaré Jankto, milieu offensif de 27 ans, qui évolue au Sparta Prague, où il est prêté par le club espagnol de Getafe.

« Comme tout le monde, je veux aussi vivre ma vie en toute liberté, sans crainte, sans avoir à souffrir, sans violence, […] with love,” he added.

Jankto, who has 45 caps for the national team, has also worn the club jerseys of Udinese and Sampdoria Genoa, Italy.

His current club said the player informed the managers and his teammates “some time ago”. “We support you. Live your life, Jakub. Nothing else matters,” Sparta Prague wrote on Twitter.

“Our greatest respect and our unwavering support for our footballer Jakub Jankto,” reacted Getafe.

“Proud of you, Jakub! “, tweeted FC Barcelona, ​​​​the leader of La Liga.

Messages of support have also come from the highest levels of world football.

“We are all with you, Jakub. Football is for everyone,” the International Federation (FIFA) tweeted. “Well done, Jakub. You had a real inspiration, and European football is with you! “, also reacted in a tweet UEFA.

Few players of high level players have made their coming out in the world of soccer.

Among them, the Englishman Justin Fashanu in 1990, when he played for London club West Ham, the Australian under-20 international Josh Cavallo (Adelaide United) in 2021, as well as Jake Daniels (Blackpool / English D2) , in May 2022, when he was only 17 years old.

In rugby, Gareth Thomas, former captain of the XV of Wales, was the first rugby player in history to make his coming out, in December 2009, two years after his retirement from playing. Two weeks ago, it was the New Zealander Campbell Johnstone, former pillar of the All Blacks in 2005 (3 selections), who made his coming out.

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