Cyril Hanouna violently attacks Nicolas Bedos live on “TPMP”

The hatchet should not be buried right away… Between Cyril Hanouna and Nicolas Bedos, the rag is burning and nothing seems capable of extinguishing it. Several years ago, the actor and director attacked the host of TPMP when he was invited by Thierry Ardisson on his show Hello earthlings!. At the time, Guy Bedos’ son called the host “cut off from the beautiful, the chic and the fine”before adding that it is not “never made fun of the handicapped”. A “joke” that threw a chill on the set.

If the years have passed, it seems that the troublemaker of the PAF has not forgotten anything. Proof of this is with the tackle he addressed to him on October 31 on TPMP. The host and his team returned to a passage of the show “What an era”, presented by Léa Salamé, during which comedian Ragnar le Breton attacked the media and their way of processing information. For him, some channels darken the morale of the French and the best example would be his grandmother “who lives in Brittany and who does not have access to certain information that happens in Paris, she watches BFMTV, she becomes racist, it’s a reality”.

An attack that does not pass

A statement on which did not hesitate to bounce Nicolas Bedos, also invited in the program of Léa Salamé, who then launched to him: “So if she goes on CNews, I’m not telling you”. If he did not attack directly TPMP, Cyril Hanouna still took this attack personally. Especially because C8which has been broadcasting its daily newspaper for several years, is part of the same group as the channel NEWS.

“Well there was the valve of Nicolas Bedos, who will not forget to call Canal + to ask for money to finance his films”he swung at first before adding a layer a few seconds later: “Don’t forget to call me to come and defend him. Afterwards, it’s Nicolas, we like him like that with his little valves but let him close it a little”.

See also: “Bravo le veau”: Sophia Aram tackles Cyril Hanouna again on the Lola affair!


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