Cyril Hanouna offers an emblematic columnist to make his comeback and takes a wind!

Twelve years. Twelve years that Cyril Hanouna has been at the head of TPMP and animates the evening of the French throughout the week. Initially on France 4, the host then “migrated” to D8 which became, a few years later, C8. In twelve years, a lot has happened. Whether in the evolution of the show or the arrival, and departures, of columnists. And to celebrate the birthday of his “baby”, the troublemaker of the PAF took the trouble to bring back those who marked the history of Do not touch My TV.

Capucine Anav, Thierry Moreau, or even Jean-Michel Maire responded present. The latter, apparently very happy to officiate around the table. However, Cyril Hanouna has often called him to come back and appear more often by his side. “Offers” that Jean-Michel Maire has always declined. “You are often called to do TPMP, why do you want to do it less?”asked the host this Friday, April 1, before his counterpart answered him bluntly: “Honestly, I’m fine, I watch it, but I feel like I’ve had my time”.

A permanent departure?

But if he refuses the offers of his ex-boss, it is also because he does not want to have the “simple” status of substitute: “Besides, I don’t want to come back as a substitute. The team is fine the way it is. If I came back, I would feel like I was taking someone else’s place. Me, my place suits me very well”. The ex-columnist did not stop there and continued: “I’m 60 now. I’m at home watching it and commenting on it with my dog. We’re having a great time”.

Not enough to curb Cyril Hanouna who implored: “We miss you. I would like you to be with us more”. A last attempt which unfortunately ended in another failure for the famous host of C8. “No, no, no. I’m fine”, finally concluded Jean-Michel Maire.

See also: TPMP: These four new columnists will join TPMP next year!


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