Cyril Hanouna and his ex-girlfriend Emilie: they have a very special relationship…

In 2019, after sixteen beautiful years of love, Cyril Hanouna and Emilie separated. The couple keeps a very strong bond, in particular because they have two children together: Bianca (11 years old) and Lino (10 years old). But that’s not all, the former couple seems to have remained complicit, despite the breakup. This was confirmed by the host of Do not touch My TV (C8) through various interviews this year.

Last April, at the microphone of Julie Obispo on the waves of AirZen Radio, he had delivered on his role of dad. “Me, I’m a bit of their friend. We don’t let go. We’re together all the time, all the time on the phone and it’s true that I’m more of a friend than a father, but I have the impression that it works well. They tell me more things, I have the impression that they manage to confide well“, had entrusted Cyril Hanouna. The role of the authoritarian parent then returns to Emilie. “Their mom is amazing. She does both. She has the authority, but she is also very friendly with them and it is thanks to her, as she frames them well that I can have even more fun with themhe added. I think they are happy.

This special bond that unites the two ex does not stop there. “We love each other, I have it every day on the phone“, assured the 48-year-old host during an interview for the podcast Elise & Julia with entrepreneurs Elise Goldfarb and Julia Layani last August. And from lovers to confidants, there is only one step! Indeed, Cyril Hanouna and Emilie seem to discuss their new conquests between them. “She had guys, it’s ok, she sent me a photo I carried her away, we laughed (…) He’s a love my ex, I adore him, we’re still very close“, he then added.

A beautiful relationship which must, without a doubt, allow Bianca and Lino to flourish by seeing their parents separated but fulfilled each on their side. Moreover, if the young girl is discreet, for his part the son of the star of the small screen intends to follow in the footsteps of his father…

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