Cyndie (Married at first sight) already separated from her new companion, express break!

Since the filming of Married at first sight 2022 which didn’t go as she would have liked, Cyndie had become single again. But surprise, the pretty beautician announced at the end of June to have found love. “Today, I lead my quiet little boat. I met someone, it’s very recent. It’s still very recent, we’ll see what happens“, she revealed during an interview for Entertainment TV.

Unfortunately, their idyll will have been very brief. Indeed, in the evening of Monday, July 11, during a question and answer session on Instagram, Cyndie let it be known that she and her mysterious companion had separated. “Unfortunately, it really wasn’t for me.we had completely different expectations“, she explained to her subscribers. Since then, the M6 ​​candidate has been “a heart to take“.

It is therefore a new sentimental failure for the beautiful 33-year-old brunette who had not found a shoe to suit her either with Married at first sight. Yet 76% compatible with Jauffrey, she quickly realized that her husband did not meet the criteria she was looking for. During the assessment, she reproached him, for example, for not being sufficiently interested in her, especially during their honeymoon. Cyndie had even ended up doubting his sincerity. The divorce was then inevitable and it was off that they had come to this conclusion. “We separated the night I came to his house. We had a big fight and the next day we discussed, saying to ourselves that it was useless, that our expectations were not at all the same. I wanted to experience this without being disillusioned. When it’s not right, it’s not right. We would never have been happy together, we don’t have the same expectations of a couple“, she had reported for Entertainment TV.

For his part, Jauffrey recently told TV Magazine have had “adventures“Since the end of the show. But today, the great friend of Frédérick Bousquet and Florent Manaudou is also still single.

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