Cross-country skiing destinations | The Journal of Montreal

To practice their favorite sport without interruption in this winter marked by low snowfall, winds and periods of rain, cross-country skiers do not hesitate to improve their address book. Here are some cross-country ski destinations on the outskirts of Quebec.

Caps de Charlevoix trail

Photo courtesy of Sentier des Caps de Charlevoix

Located at an altitude of 800 meters in the heart of the inhabited forest of the Massif, the reception of the Sentier des Caps de Charlevoix (61, chemin du Massif, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François) snows in early in the season. Its 35 km of cross-country ski trails (mostly classic) thread their way between 400-year-old trees and cross three refuges to warm up and even sleep there. Two of them enjoy a dazzling view of the river, L’Isle-aux-Coudres, Les Éboulements and the south shore, offering a magnificent reward to cross-country skiers who take the hilly trails.

Cross-country skiing Stoneham

Photo courtesy of Ski de fond Stoneham

Born from a voluntary initiative in 2021, Ski de fond Stoneham (56, 1D Avenue, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury) deploys its trails on the course of the golf club of the same name, whose relatively flat drop is a delight for cross-country skiers of all levels. They have access to more than 15 km of tracks accessible in classic step and nearly 7 km intended for skating. Then as soon as it is open, the enchanted forest will charm toddlers.

Camp Mercier

Located in the Laurentides wildlife reserve (km 94, route 175), Camp Mercier enjoys snow conditions that will delight winter lovers. Cross-country skiers go there to cover its 50 km of classic trails and its 20 km of trails favored by skating enthusiasts. The new Mercier camp offers ski equipment rental for venturing into the boreal forest.

Massif du Sud Regional Park

Photo provided by Stéphanie Allard/Tourisme Chaudière-Appalaches

With more than 24 km of multifunctional trails (classic cross-country skiing and fatbike) lined with heated refuges, the Massif du Sud Regional Park (300, route du Massif, Saint-Philémon) offers the possibility of prolonging the pleasures of skiing. , spending one or more nights in accommodation nestled in the middle of an ancient forest. Adopting the classic pace, the cross-country skiers admire the snow-covered panoramas and the waterways while practicing their favorite sport.

Duchesnay tourist resort

Through the maple groves and bogs of the Duchesnay forest, then along the majestic Lac Saint-Joseph, there are 36 km of trails for classic walking and 25 km reserved for skating offered by the Duchesnay Tourist Station (140 , Montée de l’Auberge, Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier). When a cross-country ski getaway takes on the air of a holiday, the various accommodations on site allow you to extend your stay.

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