[Critique] “Shine”, Sean Nicholas Savage

shine is a rough diamond. With his latest album, Canadian Sean Nicholas Savage offers an intimate and delicate pop-folk, punctuated by the simplicity of a guitar, but also by his unique crystalline voice, always imbued with resilience and love, and, of course, a touch of penetrating synths. The artist brilliantly manages to extricate us from the loneliness and troubled waters in which he and the whole world have been plunged since the start of the pandemic, and whose waves continue to break. The nine titles of shine, even if they are tinged with melancholy, thus calmly give rise to a sweet euphoria, the one that wins us over when we understand that the bad times of existence are behind us. The piece that lends its name to the disc – also produced by Mac DeMarco and recorded in Los Angeles – is in this regard of a confusing harmony and gives us proof, if one were needed, that Sean Nicholas Savage is an immense singer-songwriter, heir, perhaps, of the greatest musicians, like Prince.

Click here for an excerpt.


★★★★ 1/2


Sean Nicholas Savage, Arbutus Records

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