[Critique] “Bordel of life and other news”, Serge Labrosse

“We writers are used to the art of conjuring up imaginary worlds out of nothing. Worlds of unreason. It happens that our minds, adrift, create abject universes”, rightly asserts Serge Labrosse (The ink dries and we forget2021) in his second collection, Brothel of life and other news. Always in spirit, the ex-investigative journalist specializing in criminal affairs signs with his bare pen some thirty stories of equal interest which he arranges in three categories, “Destinies”, “Fatalities” and “Absurdities”. . Whether he takes us into the underworld or into the lives of seemingly uneventful people, whether he deals with prostitution, violence against women, gruesome murders or mental illness, the author is unparalleled for create striking snapshots of life, thus restoring humanity to the souls which are the raw material of news items, from the most sordid to the most unusual, and banal anecdotes of everyday life.

Brothel of life and other news


Serge Labrosse, Lévesque editor, Montreal, 2023, 130 pages

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