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Tuesday, February 23, Vladimir Putin said to himself ready to send its troops into pro-Russian separatist territories. The journalist Luc Lacroix is present in these territories, Donetsk (Ukraine).
Vladimir Putin explained whether or not he would send his soldiers to the pro-Russian separatist territories “depending on the situation on the ground“, explains the journalist Luc Lacroix, in duplex since Donetsk (Ukraine), Wednesday 23 February. But the Russian president “has already massaged tens of thousands of men just across the border“, continues Luc Lacroix, adding that there is “clues, rumors, but no formal proof” that Vladimir Putin has already deployed his soldiers.
“Here, in the separatist zone, general mobilization has been decreed. It concerns all men from 18 to 55 years old“, explains Luc Lacroix. The journalist explains that he has seen, in the street, checks carried out by the police on men of this age group, to check that they are in good standing. “Between that and the continuing evacuations of civilians, it feels like a half-empty city.“, concludes Luc Lacroix.