crazy resemblance to his father

There are children of stars who are as famous as their parents, who walk red carpets, and enjoy being in the media. And there is Noah Boon

, the discreet son of Dany Boon, with a divine voice. Indeed, the young man, aged 24, is rather rare in the media. However, when it comes to saluting the courage of his mother Judith Godrèche and performing a piece from the original soundtrack of the series Icon of French cinema, he does not hesitate to appear at prime time. He proved it this Tuesday, January 9, 2024 by accepting Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine’s proposal.

Guest indeed of C to you, Noah Boon was notably questioned about the speech of his mother who denounced the influence of director Benoît Jacquot when she was 14 years old, and he was 40, during an interview given to Ben Nevert on YouTube. The artist revealed that her daughter made her aware of what she experienced in the past. “It was very repressed and because of my daughter, everything came back. I told myself that deep down it was important to tell this story to protect her”she revealed.

Also see: Dany Boon “in the m…”: he surprised his girlfriend with a guy in their bed!

Noé and Dany Boon, not from the same family for nothing

Benoît Jacquot, Judith Godrèche met him during the casting of the film Beggars. Director of the feature film, she notably raised the questions “insidious” to which she was entitled, in addition to an atmosphere like “perverse”, throughout the casting. This Tuesday, January 9, Noah Boon did not fail to congratulate his mother for this speech. “Very proud, it’s especially moving, I think of her, I find it courageous, I’m quite admiring”said the young man, author, with his friends in the group Fake friendsfrom the soundtrack of the Icon of French cinema series.

A series in which his mother plays, but also his sister Tess Barthelemy. His arrival made it possible to discover the close resemblance to his father. If children sometimes only have a few traits in common with their parents, Noah is indeed the spitting image of his dad.


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