COVID-19: the Omicron variant is now largely the majority in the United States

The Omicron variant has become a large majority in the United States, where it accounted for 73.2% of new COVID-19 infections in the week ending December 18, according to data from US health authorities.

Extremely transmissible, Omicron quickly gained the upper hand over the Delta variant. The week before, it only accounted for 12.6% of new infections.

It now accounts for up to 96.3% of new cases in three northwestern states (Oregon, Washington and Idaho), according to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.

In another group of southeastern states, including Florida, Alabama and Georgia, 95.2% of new infections are due to Omicron, a similar proportion in other parts of the country.

First detected in November in southern Africa, this variant has sparked concern and the tightening of health restrictions around the world.

The United States is not, however, considering “lockdown” at this time, said US executive spokeswoman Jen Psaki on the eve of a much-anticipated speech by Joe Biden on his government’s response. in the face of this new epidemic wave.

“We are going to have difficult weeks or months as we approach winter,” White House adviser on the health crisis warned on Sunday.r Anthony Fauci, worried about the number of Americans who are still not vaccinated.

The mayor of London on Monday announced the cancellation of New Year’s festivities planned in his city, and the World Economic Forum, which was scheduled to meet January 17-21 in Davos, Switzerland, has been postponed.

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