Covid-19: the government unveils its health response plan


France 3

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The government is calling for a collective mobilization to save the end of year celebrations. On Wednesday November 24, the executive began to unveil its plan to fight the fifth wave of Covid-19.

Saving the end of the year holidays is the government’s goal in the face of the fifth wave of Covid-19. The health response is being organized, as confirmed by government spokesman Gabriel Attal at the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, November 24. It translates into three axes: “Reinforcement of the wearing of the mask and the health pass as well as the acceleration of the vaccination campaign“. Concretely, the government plans to expand the third dose for everyone from 18 years old. The time between doses will also decrease from six to five months while the validity of a PCR test will be 72 hours compared to 24 hours until now.

Put the strain on the unvaccinated and intensify on the order of the Ministry of the Interior. TO Creil, in the Val-d’Oise, controls have multiplied, and fines are distributed. The device starts to weigh: a vaccination center Creusot (Saône-et-Loire) welcomes many neo-vaccinated in recent weeks. “Out of 200 people today, we had 30% of first doses”, indicates a staff member of the center. All the measures will be unveiled Thursday, November 25 by the Ministry of Health.

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