Covid-19: the end of the wearing of compulsory masks in public transport


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From Monday, May 16, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory on public transport. Journalist Chloe Barbauxlive from the Gare de Lyon, in Paris, explains that some passengers nevertheless preferred to keep their masks.

Monday, May 16 marks the end of mandatory mask wearing on public transport. Journalist Chloe Barbaux is, on this occasion, live from the Gare de Lyon (Paris)where she explains that some passengers still keep the mask on their face: “We met as many people with the mask as people without a mask.

The journalist then gives the floor to an employee who has kept her mask on. The latter explains why she does not want to remove it: “It’s in relation to the Covid. We don’t really know where we are at times, so it’s protection”explains the employee, who adds that, in transport, other passengers “are not very careful”. Finally, Chloe Barbaux recalls that wearing a mask is still recommended for vulnerable people.

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