COVID-19: paid $500 a day to vaccinate in the chain

Vaccinators hired for the COVID-19 vaccination campaign can earn more than $500 a day.

Our Bureau of Investigation has learned that people recruited by the JeContribue platform can receive a salary equivalent to what they received before retiring.

Until last May, they were also entitled to an attendance bonus of up to $1,800 per month. They received this bonus ranging from $15 to $90 per day after only one day or two half-days of work per week.

Other amounts, such as evening premiums, may also apply.

“In fact, it is possible that some vaccinators make up to $500 per shift, including bonuses,” said Catherine Domingue, director of media relations for the Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) of the Monteregie East.


A retired civil servant recruited on the government platform was stunned when told how much he would receive in salary.

“I was told that compensation could vary from less than $50,000 to more than $100,000 for exactly the same responsibility. How to justify this variability and above all how to justify a remuneration of $100,000 to inject a vaccine? asks the one who agreed to speak only on condition of anonymity.

As part of the vaccination campaign, Quebec has expanded the types of workers authorized to give doses. In particular, veterinarians, dentists or chemists have been authorized. After two short training sessions, they are able to perform injections.

For employees from the health network, the remuneration is applied according to the salary scale of the original job. Thus, a clinical nurse or biochemist can make between $27.08 and $47.98 before applicable bonuses and fringe benefits (vacation, holidays or sickness).


To date, healthcare institutions have paid out tens of millions of dollars in compensation. Thus, the bill exceeds $30 million only in Quebec.

“The CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale used more than 1,000 vaccinators, in at least 20 vaccination sites, around ten mobile clinics, 36 CHSLDs, 157 RPAs, 169 schools, in addition to various public places”, specifies the spokesperson, Annie Ouellet.

More than 21 million doses have been administered in Quebec since the start of the vaccination campaign in December 2020.

Millions in compensation

CIUSSS of the Capitale-Nationale

  • $30M | 1.9 million doses

CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

CISSS of Montérégie-East

  • $20.2M | Over 500,000 doses*

*in July 2021

The vaccination campaign in a few numbers

  • Quebecers with a dose (7,459,571): 91%
  • Quebecers with four doses: 22%
  • 59% of 60+ received four doses
  • 487,839 unvaccinated

Sources: CISSS, CIUSSS and Ministry of Health

Two classes of workers

The government has created two classes of workers by choosing to recruit vaccination personnel directly from the population.

“People who have negotiated terms on the sideit’s unacceptable,” laments the president of CUPE’s Provincial Social Affairs Council, Maxime Ste-Marie.

The latter, which represents more than 30,000 employees of the health network, denounces the management by ministerial order decreed by the government.

The conditions for workers in screening and vaccination centers have been established by ministerial decision in the context of the health emergency.

Maxime Ste-Marie recognizes the essential contribution of these workers and encourages vaccination, but he wonders why the health emergency remains in effect in the network, two and a half years after the start of the pandemic.

“We need everyone, but many are in an unknown status. Their situation must be regularized, especially if they are competent people to stay in their jobs, ”he says.

According to him, the government must do more to fill the thousands of positions still vacant in the network.

Unparalleled crisis

At the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, it is reported that it has paid more than $22.7 million in compensation since the start of the vaccination campaign. In total, more than 750,000 doses were administered by the establishment, in particular on the site of the Palais des Congrès in Montreal.

“For an unparalleled health crisis, there has been an unparalleled response. It was an incredible operation,” recalls Danny Raymond, Communications Advisor.

While he recognizes that some workers can earn more than $500 a day, he indicates that the average wage is more around $40 an hour.

At the Ministry of Health, it is indicated that it is the CISSSs that manage the remuneration.

“The salary of these people is determined by their level of diploma and the years of professional experience acquired in their original job title”, indicates Marie-Hélène Émond by email.

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