COVID-19: Dubé will announce new tightening of health measures

A few hours after restricting its own activities, the Quebec government is preparing to announce on Monday new tightening of health measures in the face of the surge in COVID cases due to the Omicron variant.

Health Minister Christian Dubé has called a press conference where he will outline the government’s new plans in the early afternoon.

Bars, restaurants and schools are in the government’s sights right now, we learned from a knowledgeable source. Scenarios are on the table, but it was not possible to get more details.

For primary schools, modifications to the planned timetable are being studied. In high school, the return to class has been postponed to January 10.

An analysis of the effects of this decision is underway in order to assess the impact on vaccination operations and the distribution of rapid tests planned in each establishment.

No change was on the table on Monday morning regarding the number of people allowed at private holiday gatherings, which was reduced from 20 to 10 last week.

In addition, Prime Minister François Legault will receive Monday afternoon, after Mr. Dubé’s press conference, the most recent projections from government experts with regard to the number of cases and hospitalizations.

On Sunday evening, the government announced the suspension of the activities of its ministers due to the rapid rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations.

More details will follow

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