COVID-19: 89 new deaths and 3,417 hospitalized patients in Quebec

Quebec’s toll continues to increase with 89 additional deaths related to COVID-19.

While the number of deaths in the past 24 hours has crossed the 80 mark again, the rise in hospitalizations is on the decline.

Indeed, Quebec has 36 more hospitalizations, while 81 were reported on Monday, and 105 on Sunday. A total of 3,417 people are hospitalized. Two more beds are occupied in intensive care due to the virus, for a total of 289.

Among the people with access to screening centers, 5,143 tested positive for COVID-19.

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, will provide an update on the situation of COVID-19, Tuesday at 1 p.m. He will be accompanied by the new interim national director of public health, Luc Boileau, and by the assistant deputy minister in the medical, nursing and pharmaceutical university affairs branch, Lucie Opatrny.

On the Ontario side, hospitalizations are still on the rise, with 4,183 people occupying a hospital bed (+296). Of this number, 580 are in intensive care. In the past 24 hours, 37 Ontarians have succumbed to the disease.

As in Quebec, access to PCR tests in Ontario remains limited. Thus, the province recorded 7,086 new infections on Tuesday.


  • 806,296 people infected (+5,143)*
  • 12,453 deaths (+89)
  • 3417 people hospitalized

*336 entries

*300 outputs

  • 289 people in intensive care

*41 entries

*38 outputs

  • 93,730 doses administered are added, that is 88,673 in the last 24 hours and 5,057 before January 13, for a total of 16,576,407 doses administered in Quebec.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 261,736 doses were administered, for a cumulative total of 16,838,143 doses received by Quebecers.

* The number of cases listed is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles


  • Lower St. Lawrence: 73
  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean: 297
  • National Capital: 1200
  • Mauricie-and-Centre-du-Québec: 680
  • Eastern Townships: 462
  • Montreal: 5034
  • Outaouais: 241
  • Abitibi-Temiscamingue: 29
  • North Shore: 6
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Gaspésie – Magdalen Islands: 49
  • Chaudière-Appalaches: 443
  • Laval: 976
  • Lanaudiere: 603
  • Laurentians: 564
  • Monteregie: 1784
  • Nunavik: 6
  • Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James: 5
  • Unknown: 0
  • Outside Quebec: 1

Total: 12,453 deaths

Status in Canada

  • Ontario: 963,693 cases (10,666 deaths)
  • Quebec: 806,296 cases (12,453 deaths)
  • Alberta: 452,381 cases (3,380 deaths)
  • British Columbia: 299,146 cases (2,490 deaths)
  • Manitoba: 110,593 cases (1,463 deaths)
  • Saskatchewan: 101,537 cases (961 deaths)
  • Nova Scotia: 30,254 cases (121 deaths)
  • New Brunswick: 23,173 cases (189 deaths)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 13,029 cases (24 deaths)
  • Northwest Territories: 4,055 cases (12 deaths)
  • Prince Edward Island: 4,401 cases (2 deaths)
  • Yukon: 2,720 cases (15 deaths)
  • Nunavut: 1,195 cases (4 deaths)
  • Repatriated Canadians: 13 cases

Total: 2,813,675 cases (31,805 deaths)

See also

source site-64