counting votes group by group

The government suffered a setback on Monday with the surprise rejection in the National Assembly of the immigration bill.


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A deputy votes to reject the immigration bill, in the National Assembly on December 11, 2023. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

The National Assembly adopted on Monday December 11 by 270 votes to 265 the motion for prior rejection of the immigration bill, defended by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. The absolute majority was set at 268. Thirteen parliamentarians abstained. In total, 535 of the 577 deputies spoke on this motion.

Against the motion

Among the 265 deputies who spoke against the rejection motion, we include the immense majority of Renaissance deputies: 165 of the 170 deputies of the group voted against, with the exception of five absent. Unusually, the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet also took part in the vote. The five absent deputies were Jean-François Ardouin (Charente-Maritime), Anne Genetet (Hauts-de-Seine), Monique Iborra (Haute-Garonne), Amélia Lakrafi (foreign deputies) and Michel Lauzzana (Lot-et- Garonne).

In the rest of the majority, 48 of the 51 MoDem deputies also voted against the motion, as well as 29 of the 30 Horizons deputies. The Modem deputies therefore have three absent and one at Horizons. In total, in the majority, nine deputies were therefore absent.

In addition to these majority deputies who voted for, there are two Les Républicains deputies, Nicolas Forissier (2nd district of Indre) and Alexandre Vincendet (7th district of Rhône), who voted against the opinion of the group’s president. , Olivier Marleix, who invited the Republican deputies to vote for the motion.

MP Delphine Batho, from the Ecologist group, also voted against the motion tabled by her party. The LIOT group voted mainly against the motion: 19 votes against and one abstention (Charles de Courson, 5th district of Marne). Among those not registered, David Habib voted against.

For the motion

Of the 270 votes which voted for the adoption of this motion of prior rejection, we include the National Rally which gathered 87 votes for the motion, out of 88 deputies, and therefore has one absent. Among the Republicans, in accordance with the wishes of Olivier Marleix, 40 of the 62 deputies voted for this motion.

The entire La France insoumise group supported the motion, with 75 votes. Among the Socialists, there were 28 votes in favor, out of 31 deputies. Among the environmentalists, 21 deputies voted for out of 23 deputies.

In the communist group, 17 out of 22 voted for. Five were absent. Two non-registered members also supported the motion: Véronique Besse (4th in Vendée) and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (8th in Essonne).


The majority of abstentions are among Republican deputies, 11 abstaining. Then added, a deputy Liot (Charles de Courson, 5th of Marne), and a non-registered, Emmanuelle Ménard (6th Hérault).

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