Companies: 10% of French local breweries are threatened with closure


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 3 – A. Portes, J. Messa, A. Lo Cascio, M. Hollender, L. Houel

France Televisions

2,500 local breweries exist in France. Today, 10% are threatened with closure. They can no longer cope with inflation, rising costs and competition from manufacturers.

Edward Jalat-Dehen, owner of the brewery of Being, saw its production costs explode, starting with the price of its raw material, barley malt. The increase affects the entire production chain: cardboard, transport, but above all the bottles. To resist, he had to resolve to increase his prices by 30 cents per bottle. An increase, however, far from sufficient.We couldn’t increase more either because it’s still only small beers“, explains Edward Jalat Dehen.

Uncompetitive shelf prices

In Paris, but also in Lyon (Rhône) or Brittany, in recent years, local breweries have multiplied. Today, they are 2,500 in France. 10% are threatened with closure. In question : uncompetitive shelf prices. Faced with competition from manufacturers, for many brewers, it is difficult to sell their more expensive bottles. With inflation at 4.5%on the shelves, consumers are forced to make choices. Since the start of the year, beer sales have fallen by 5%.

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