Commonwealth Games | Maude Charron wins the gold medal

(Birmingham) Quebec weightlifter Maude Charron dominated the event in the -64 kg category, setting three Commonwealth Games records on Monday in Birmingham.

Posted at 11:36 a.m.
Updated at 12:41 p.m.

The Olympic gold medalist in Tokyo last year triumphed with a total of 231 kilos (101 kilos in the snatch and 130 kilos in the clean and jerk).

Charron, of St-Luce, 29, edged Australian Sarah Maureen Cochrane (216 kg) and Nigerian Islamiyat Adebukola Yusuf (212 kg).

Earlier, his teammate Nicolas Vachon, of Saint-Hippolyte, for his part won the bronze medal in the 81 kilos with a total of 320 kilos.

Englishman Chris Murray (325 kg) won gold and Australian Kyle Bruce (323 kg) silver.


Canadian gymnast Felix Dolci won silver in the floor gymnastics event.

Four Canadian gymnasts took to the podium, starting with Felix Dolci, who earned his second medal of the games by winning silver in the floor event.

Laurie Denommee of Saint-Eustache took silver on vault horse, Jayson Rampersad of Mississauga took bronze on pommel horse and Chris Kaji of Vancouver took bronze on rings.

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