After a significant drop during Covid, these gastrointestinal infections reached a record in 2022 with the death of 17 people. An increase linked mainly to restaurant meals.
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They mainly manifest as gastrointestinal disorders. Collective food poisoning infections (Tiac) have never been so high in France since 1987 and the implementation of surveillance, according to a Public Health France report published on February 21. In 2022, 16,763 people were affected by these foodborne infectious diseases and 17 people died.
This record comes after two years of decline in 2020-2021, “most certainly linked to the implementation of physical distancing measures and the application of barrier gestures during the pandemic”, says the report from Public Health France. In 2022, the number of Tiacs started to rise again, exceeding the previous record of 2019 (15,641 Tiacs and 12 deaths). It is above all collective toxic infections linked to meals in restaurants which are increasing: their share increased from 35 to 45% between 2021 and 2022.The share of Tiac following family meals has decreased, going from 33 to 25% over one year.
“Corrective measures” in restaurants
“The main agents responsible for Tiac, specifies the health safety agency (ANSES) on its site, are bacterial toxins (produced by Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus), salmonella, and viruses enteric“. Toxi-infection is considered to be the appearance of at least two cases of gastrointestinal symptoms. “whose cause can be attributed to the same food origin”.
The transmission of Tiac is, in the majority of cases, linked to the lack of respect for hygiene rules when eating eggs or meat, recalls Santé Publique France. The most virulent bacteria, salmonella, causes 42% of infections. It is very present in eggs and causes severe gastroenteritis.
Public Health France specifies that in 2022 591 corrective measures were taken (staff information/training, establishment disinfection, work request, establishment closure and seizure of food) following Tiacs occurring in collective or commercial catering.