Clotilde Courau filled: she films herself with her daughters Vittoria and Luisa … Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie is absent

The latter who was not present for the event since he is currently in Los Angeles, where he has notably opened an Italian restaurant, The Prince of Venice. Nothing abnormal for the couple who live separately, and who have become accustomed to it. This allows the two lovebirds to carry out their professional projects on their own, without this tainting their complicity. A modern and united couple. “Our couple is a strong friendship, a complicity andt a desire for truth. All of this is love. (…) Is love to be together all the time? Love is thinking of the other when we are far away, and being happy when we are together. We went through, like all couples, ups and downs. But we managed to find a listening ear and a real dialogue between us. A straight talk. With Clotilde, we tell each other everything, had confided Emmanuel-Philibert of Savoy about his couple to Gala in January 2021. Married since 2003 to Clotilde Courau, the Prince of Piedmont also does not hesitate to deny rumors of a breakup when necessary. Like last April during his appearance on the Italian show Verissimo.

A gift and tributes

Just back from the Cannes Film Festival, Clotilde Courau wanted, on this Mother’s Day, to pay tribute to her grandmother and her mother Catherine du Pontavice, through a short message published in her Instagram story. . “Kissing my grandmother and spending the whole day with my mother without whom I wouldn’t be who I am today“, she wrote. Less expected this time, the princess received a small offering from the Malagasy artist Joël Andrianomearisoa, accompanied by a note. “Dear friend, a small present to tell you that I always think of you” can we read in the story of Clotilde Courau. The gift is none other than a frame with the following message written inside: “Never to meet the last hour, I thought of the house, I thought of the objects, I turned off the light and I remained in the half-light. I thought of us.

Since then, the mother of the family seems to have returned to Paris since she recently shared a photo of the house where the famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde died, this one being located in the 6th arrondissement of the capital, rue des Beaux Arts .

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